2013 Jurors!
We are pleased to introduce you to our 2013 Canadian Weblog Awards volunteer jury. They made our fourth season possible!
Alexis Hinde lives in Vancouver. She's a writer of words, sometimes in coherent order, in English and in French. She sings and plays guitar badly but with great enthusiasm, laughs loudly and often, mostly at herself, and blogs at Wave the Stick when she's not too exhausted from parenting a relentlessly energetic five year old boy. She spends rather a lot of time on twitter as @alexishinde, because procrastination makes deadlines more fun!
Arianna Merritt, M.Ed., is a Canadian Psychotherapist (registration in progress), author of Stand Tall & Speak From the Heart: How to Find Your Way, and the founder of Arianna's Random Thoughts. The focus of her work is centered around issues of expressive writing, self-worth, and perseverance. Arianna empowers individuals to reach their full potential through finding their voices and sharing their stories. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and on her website.
Ayesha Asghar
is a jill of most trades, part time dreamer, and full time rebel. On my off days, I plan to take over the world. When I am not protesting, gathering resources, or doing case work, I am raging on my blog. Activism is not a thing you do, it's a way of life. She is formerly associated with OPIRG, Trent Women Centre, Community Race Relations Committee, Anti-Racism Commissioner' 09 at Trent Central Students Association, and BlogHer'13 International Activist.
Ben Rogers, aka @BenRogersWPG, is a marketing and social media consultant, web content manager/developer, and photoblogger. Ben is a known social media powerhouse who can be found engaging with people on pretty much every social network! He is social media coordinator for the Secret Handshake, a Winnipeg creative professional networking event group. Ben works at Assiniboine Credit Union and volunteers at various non-profits, spending most weekends at his cottage. Follow Ben on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook.
Brenda Keesal, writer/filmmaker, juggles multiple projects for cross-pollinating platforms about life, death, love, and art. She blogs at Burns the Fire.
Chris Read is the voice behind the blog Canadian Dad. He is also the founder of Kindness Canada, which aims to inspire the masses with stories of kindness from across Canada. He is a husband, father, musician, and social media junkie. In his spare time, Chris likes long walks on the beach and is also the co-founder of the Gil Read Memorial Foundation, which helps less fortunate kids compete in sports.
Crys Wiltshire
is a professional marketer by day and an avid blogger by night. She entered the world of personal blogging as a place to commemorate the funny and sweet moments of her family life. Ideally Speaking has since quickly become a place where she can talk about parenting, fashion, various causes, and life in general, all from her point of view: mildly naïve and wildly idealistic. Crys has a social media addiction and can be found just about everywhere.
Cynthia Hill is the author of the novels Idol Hands and What Lies Behind , and she also blogs at CynthiaHillBooks.com. An editor who works with self-published authors and a mom of 4, she also does community theatre in her spare time. When she actually has any.
Dan Wegrzynowski has been immersed in social media for the past seven years, and he has recently taken to it full time and has been doing the community management for a Ford dealership in Calgary. This has given him great insight into content that is published on the web. A lover of music and all things Canadian, Dan can be found in the Canadian Rockies when he is not tweeting from @Wedgesocial.
Devon is a wife, mother, blogger, and champion slacker. She has been writing at her blog, Little Bits of Pixie Dust, for years, even when no one reads it. Devon has been featured on Five Star Fridays and is extremely honored to have been a judge for the Canadian Weblog Awards.
Erica Mullenix is a marketing communication writer curating a collection of your very best blog posts at yeah write weekly writing challenge. Rooted in Texas, she has a personal blog at free fringes and tweets as @freefringes. Her three children are free to spend this weekend at your house.
Greg Makuch is the General Manager of ThreadHosting Inc. He has been actively involved in the hosting, development, and management of numerous websites, blogs, and e-commerce sites since 1995. He believes strongly in the Canadian online community and lends a hand wherever possible to promote it. We have the "Best of Breed" worldwide with Canadian websites and infrastructure, and we need to let everyone know that.
Jen Wilson
has been blogging since 2004 but has a bad habit of blowing her blog up every year or so. She quit all four of her jobs two years ago, partly because she couldn't get that being-on-time thing down, and also because she wanted to be more available for her kids. She now works from home creating phenomenal websites with Elan. Jen is currently parked at jenwilson.ca and twitters from @jenwilsonca. She lives in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada with her husband and three kids.

Jeni Armstrong lives in Toronto, Canada, where she divides her blogging time between Order Up, a blog for and about the Canadian restaurant industry, and her personal blog, Joy and Woe, which features two photogenic children and a lot of swearing. You can also find her on Twitter at @joyandwoe, which is perfect if you prefer your cursing in 140 characters or less.
Julie Elsdon-Height is the mother of two girls and the wife of a very patient man. After facing her alcoholism and being involved in a car accident, Julie began writing at SoberJulie.com, where you'll find that this funky blogger takes the tired, unappetizing reputation of sobriety and turns it into a day at the circus. Jam-packed with ideas for recipes, tips for sobriety, and tons of ideas for leading a better (more creative, more enjoyable) life. If you’d like to connect with Julie on social media you can find her on Twitter as @SoberJulie and Facebook Sober Julie.
Julie Nowell is a blogger, publisher, and private consultant who works on amazing projects all designed to support and nurture creativity, a positive lifestyle, and viable business practices. A true believer of the win-win-win philosophy, Julie's goals are to create rewarding opportunities that benefit all of those involved. A mom of three, living an idyllic rural life on Salt Spring Island, Julie balances life, family, and feeding the chickens.
Kim Samsin has been blogging in one form or another since 2001. She takes long breaks from it (witness the tumbleweeds at kimperative and her Twitter account @kimsamsin), but she always comes back eventually. She's one of three coordinators of The Scintilla Project, an annual blog prompt event. An erstwhile teacher, editor, indexer, and shoe-seller, she currently grooves on reading, writing, and prowling around her new home of Winnipeg with a camera.
Laurie May, elementary teacher, looks for the humour in everyday country life. Her blog Two Blue Boots was launched on In the Hills in June 2013 and already attracts an impressive numbers of visitors and comments. Laurie has studied improv, stand-up, and comedy writing. She is also a graduate of playwright Dan Needles’ Page to Stage course. At home in Mono Township, Laurie enjoys cold Chardonnay with peanut butter and banana sandwiches.
Liz Hover, Brit gal, is the director for online at the National Screen Institute, a film and television training organization in Winnipeg, Canada. Liz was named one of the world's top 125 fearless female bloggers. Diary of a Webgal is her personal blog where she writes about the social web and might occasionally mention her dog, Sadie, whose popular blog Hi, I'm Sadie Shih Tzu won a 2010 Canadian Weblog Award.
Louise Gleeson is a freelance writer who got her start as a science writer. When parenthood became her most important project, her writing shifted to parenting and family life. Louise's blog, Late Night Plays, was named one of the 75 Most Influential Canadian Mom Blogs and 24 Mom Blogs You Should be Reading. She was recently nominated for a 2013 Canadian Weblog Award. Louise lives with her husband and four children on the west side of Toronto, where she also does corporate writing to pay for ballet and drum lessons.
Michael Browne is a blogger from Halifax who is fascinated with music and pop culture, social media, coffee culture, public image, and people. A current Public Relations student and barista, Michael also has a Psychology degree and a certificate in Recording Arts. These different topics, along with everyday experiences and perspectives, help shape his blog theMaxOnline, giving him more than enough to write about yet never enough time. Follow Michael on Twitter @themaxonline.
Nadine Tousignant works with CNW Group in Media Relations and is the mother of two teenage sons and a Black Lab! She is a nutrition and sports enthusiast. Working with CNW for 11 years, she has seen an incredible amount of news releases going through the wire and is always interested to see how information is being treated, whether in the traditional media or in blog posts now.
Natasha Chiam 's bio on Twitter says that she is a "pedicure lover, kid wrangler, word writer, equality fighter and disturber of the status quo". She is a bold and passionate voice for women who writes about parenting and feminism and has the odd political rant at The Stay at Home Feminist. She also firmly believes that in an alternate universe she is a stand-up comedian who lives on a beach and never wears socks. You really should follow her on Twitter and like her Facebook page, too.
Rachel Molenda is a recent Concordia University graduate of the Communications program and has since taken on many hats ranging within the realm of fitness, musical performance, social media management, and now marketing as the Sales and Marketing Coordinator of Chick Advisor. In her spare time, you can find her tackling a new recipe or a 50km bike ride. With blogger aspirations herself, you can keep up to date on her next steps on Twitter at @rachmole.
Rissa Dodson is a music fiend from Los Angeles, California, USA. When she's not behind the desk at her 9-to-6, she's at a concert or chasing a food truck. She tweets as @rissadee! She Instagrams as reesiecakes! She loves The Grilled Cheese Truck!
Shayna is a married mother to an exhausting but adorable three year old girl. She is a work outside the home mommy doing her best to balance it all. You can find her over at Mommy Outside the Box and over on the Twitterverse at @MommyOutside.
Suebob Davis has been blogging since 2005. The most recent incarnation of her blog is Suebob's Awesome Brain. Her day job is as a communication specialist at a Fortune 500 company. She was also a newspaper reporter, graphic designer, and typesetter (back when typesetting existed). She lives in Southern California and loves vegetarian cooking, photography, and dancing.
Susan Wright-Boucher helps recruiters and job seekers work together better through social media and technology. Over the last 17 years, she has managed contingent and permanent staffing operations and national accounts in every major city in Canada. Often labeled a workaholic, she prefers the term "business athlete". She writes on recruitment best practices, client relationship management, communications, and social media at Plugged In Recruiter and as a guest contributor on recruiting and marketing sites.
Tiffany is the busy gal behind MyDirt.ca where she tries to answer the age old question, "what do I want to be when THEY grow up?"!