Winners of the Ninjamatics 2010 Canadian Weblog Awards
After more than a year of preparations, nominations, coding, writing, primping, preening, and two jury rounds, we have finally arrived at the final announcement of the inaugural 2010 Canadian Weblog Awards.
Congratulations to all the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. We are proud to show off your mad blogging achievements. Thank you for doing Canada proud.
Huge thanks also goes out to all the jurors who volunteered their time and effort to make this juried award a reality. We are honoured to have such dedicated individuals to realize this vision.
If you are one of the high-quality winners, take your award button(s) and display them on your website as proof positive of your high quality. We're not fooling around when we tell you that you do good work.
Congratulations again, and a happy New Year!
Art & Photography / Art et photographie
Arts & Culture / Arts et culture
Best Designed / Meilleur design
Best New Weblog (for weblogs created after July 31, 2009) / Meilleur nouveau blogue (blogues créés après le 31 juillet 2009)
Best Written / Meilleurs textes
Business & Career / Affaires et carrières
Comics / Bande dessinée
Crafting / Artisanat
Ecology & Social Justice / Écologie et justice sociale
Ex-Pat / Expatriés
Family & Parenting / Famille et enfants
Fashion & Style / Mode et style
Feminist / Féminisme
Food & Drink / Cuisine et breuvages
French Language / En français
Gardening / Jardinage
Group Weblog / Blogue collectif
Health & Wellness (includes physical and mental health and disabilities) / Santé et bien-être (incluant santé physique, mentale et handicaps)
Humour / Humour
Life / Mode de vie
Lifetime Achievement (for weblogs created before January 1, 2005) / Prix d'excellence pour l'ensemble de son œuvre (blogues créés avant le 1er janvier 2005)
Media & Journalism / Médias et journalisme
Second: Canadian Animation Resources
Microblog (Twitter, Tumblr,, Jaiku, Posterous, etc.) / Microblogue (Twitter, Tumblr,, Jaiku, Posterous, etc.)
Military / Armée
Music / Musique
People's Choice (open to public vote from December 1-31, 2010) / Prix du public (ouvert au public du 1er au 31 décembre 2010)
Placeblog (contains local political/social/arts/community articles about a place) / Placeblogue (contenant des articles sur la politique/vie sociale/arts/communauté dans une localité)
Podcast & Vlog / Podcast et vlog
Political / Politique
Pop Culture & Entertainment / Pop culture et spectacles
Religion, Spirituality, & Philosophy / Religion, spiritualité et philosophie
Science, Technology, & the Internet / Science, technologie et Internet
Sports, Fitness, & Recreation / Sports, condition physique et loisirs
Travel / Voyage
Second: Have Baby Will Travel
Third: What it's like to have kids, and raise them abroad