The Ninjamatics' 2012 Canadian Weblog Awards Nominees Are Here

We (the Palinode and Schmutzie) have worked our way through the 885 nominations that were submitted over 2012 for the Ninjamatics' 2012 Canadian Weblog Awards, and we finished just in time to greet the new year and begin the jury process. That's right, there were 885 nominations. Not too shabby, Canada.


After thinning the list — during which we removed duplicate nominations, foreign dating sites, and non-Canuck submissions — we came up with our list of 468 impressive nominees. FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT. That's nothing to sneeze at.

What happens next? We will organize our volunteer jury members, and each nominated blog will be judged by at least three jury members using our ten criteria. There will be two jury rounds; the first round will decide the top five blogs in each category, which will be announced on January 15th, and the second round will decide the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in each category, which will be announced on January 31st.

So, all of our nominees can sit back and relax. There is no shilling for votes here.

Let the adjudicating begin!


PS. If you were notified of your nomination but don't see your name on our list of nominees, please let us know! Rest assured you are still on our master list for the jurors, but a couple of technical glitches yesterday means that there may be a couple of corrections necessary on our public blogroll.

Elan Morgan

Elan Morgan is a blogger, designer and consultant, and speaker who blogs and works from, spreads gratitude through the social network, celebrates quality blogging with the, and speaks all over. She has been seen in the Globe & Mail, Best Health and Woman's Day magazines, TEDxRegina, and on CBC News and Radio. She believes in and works to grow both personal and professional quality, genuine community, and meaningful content online.